Sunday, January 24, 2010

Dare #4 S M I L E

Dare #4 Smile.

Smile as much and as often as possible this week.
I will try and do the same.
I wish us all success!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dare# 3 Step out of your Comfort Zone

At some point this week, take the initiative and do something different.

Take a different way to work.

Go with a new person to lunch, or a new place.

Try a new food.

If you see something, someone that may need some help...ask.
Don't take it for granted (as usual) that someone else will come along and make it better.
You can be that someone.... one person can make a world of difference

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dare #2 Take a Hike!

Dare #2.

Take a Hike!

Get up off your butt and go outside.

Walk for just 15 minutes, then turn around and go home.

There. Congratulations.

You have just walked for half an hour.

If you walk quickly, you can accelerate your heart beat, increase oxygen intake, improve muscle tone, speed up your metabolism and be in a better mood.

If the sun is out, you get the added benefit of the production of much needed vitamin D.

And NO. Walking for half an hour in the Mall is NOT the same. (ick.)
You require fresh air and nature. 2 things you will never find in a Mall.

Go on... get up, turn off the idiot box (lap top, cell, ipod, wii, etc.), and go for a walk.

Do it for ONE day this week.

I D A R E Y O U.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dare #1 Use both hands

This dare was inspired by my daughter who is an excellent driver and keeps both hands on the wheel (at ten and two - old school style).

To be fair and honest, I will also partake of all dares that I post.

Dare #1.

Keep your hands on the wheel.

I double dog dare you to keep your hands (BOTH hands) on the steering wheel while you are driving for one day this week.

You just may possibly save a life in the process AND you may also win the privilege of NOT having your cell phone tossed into traffic on the expressway.

The following (in case you have not already read this, and if you have, I apologize) is a TRUE story. I know. I was there.


I was in a car accident today.

No, I was not seriously injured, so THAT's good.
The woman that rammed into me from behind
( I affectionately refer to her as Cell Phone Barbie)
forced my car into the car in front of me.
Thankfully, that driver is also Ok.
CP Barbie was 'just checking her messages' while driving on I-88 during rush hour.
( I could have had my grand daughter in the back seat. She could have been killed.)

Unsteadily standing at the scene, I asked CPB if I could see her phone.
"Why?" she asked.
"Let me see your phone," I responded.
"Why? What are you going to do?"
let ...
me ...
see ...
your ...

So, bending over, she reached into her car and retrieved her phone.
She walked over to me and handed it to me.

I looked at it for a decisive second or two or three (hmmm ....nice phone) and then THREW it as far as I could over eastbound traffic.

She then whined "Awwwwww! Why'd you DO that for???"

I walked away, shaking my head, because the answer is so blatantly obvious,
how could she not know it?

I did it for ALL of the people that have been injured or KILLED by driving, cell phone users.

And if need be, I'll do it again.

Oh. And the icing on the cake (insult to injury as it were)
she had me charged with "Criminal Damage to Property" on the spot.
I was finger printed at the scene. Nice.

(stop laughing!)

My ever-lovin' hubby showed up at the scene, got into my now damaged car and stated the following "Here's what we'll do. We call our lawyer as soon as we get home and have you plead temporary insanity."

If he weren't such a big guy, I may have thrown him in the direction of the cell (which BTW was retrieved by jerk-wad state trooper that took a keen interest in CP barbie doll.)

Many of my big city cohabitants just didn't get it.
BUT, an old friend up in the North woods of Minnesota got it,
apparently he's none too fond of cells either.
When I visited him last fall, he told his friends about my escapade
and before you know it,
I had people coming up, asking to shake my hand,
saying "Atta girl!" or "You're my hero!"

Shucks, I am SO NOT a hero, the real heroes are the ones that drive to the best of their ability, each and every day, fully realizing that they are maneuvering a ton of steel that can kill another being in a heartbeat if they are not paying full attention.

Please. Hang up the phone, stop texting (it's the law now, dontcha know?), stop surfing and drive with TWO hands on the wheel.

Do it for ONE day this week.

I D A R E Y O U.

Saturday, January 2, 2010



This will be a weekly dare.

It may be as simple as: I dare you to say to a stranger "Hey there!" with a big 'ol smile plastered on your face, one day, during the week. Or something a bit more challenging, like: stop swearing for one day ( I figured a week would be asking too much, especially if you commute the same way I do each day to work. )

So. . . . game on?

Dare one starts tomorrow.